Back to Balance
Are you just getting by in survival mode? Having a crisis of confidence, juggling too much, feeling overwhelmed and stressed most of the time? Maybe you have terrible guilt when you rest like you ‘should’ be always working or pushing harder, and that rest is a ‘waste of time’, or that you’re ‘lazy’?
Work slowly took over your life, and you’ve been pushing past health warning signs for far too long.
You need boundaries in your life but aren’t clear on your needs, or how to voice them and you certainly can’t fit any ‘self-care’ into your busy and demanding schedule.
All of this means you sleep badly, lack energy, are sad, emotionally and physically exhausted and drained, and feel like a failure or that you’re not good enough. But you can’t see a way out of this confusion and are tired of doing this alone.
Am I broken?
Why does this keep happening?
Everyone else seems to be doing it OK!
If you are burnt out or on the way there, I’m here to tell you that it does not mean ‘you’re broken’ or have ‘failed’, it means that you are in a set of circumstances that aren’t right for you and that maybe some habits or traits of yours also weren’t working for you.
So if you’re ready to:
- Confidently put your needs first (without the guilt)
- Learn how to recognise your stressors
- Learn when and how to rest
- Live a more mindful and life
- Discover your unique strengths
- Live a much more fulfilling work life balance
- Detach your self-worth solely from your achievements
- Build healthier habits and routines
- Become comfortable with boundaries
- Easily incorporate the right self-care into your schedule
- And come off and stay off the burnout path
Then I’m here for you.
With my Back to Balance Signature
Coaching programme
(minimum 5 months)
With my Back to Balance Signature Coaching programme, we’ll build long-term more sustainable strategies, better manage your precious energy and time, learn to understand when you’re pushing too hard and what the consequences are, understand what serves you and what doesn’t, build your personalised toolkit for the future, strengthen your positive inner voice and step into your confidence and decision making.
This programme can go deep, as we can also discover what drives you, what your values are, how to live by them, how you want to lead your life and who you want to be.
You’ll gain so much clarity on your goals and future as you get further ahead in both your career and personal life, without sacrificing your health and well-being.
So, let’s start this exciting and beautiful journey together to your healthiest, most refreshed, energised, and focused self so you can live your best life and become the powerful person you are truly meant to be.

6x 1:1 video coaching sessions
of 90 minutes each in approximately 5 months.
3x accountability/booster phone calls
of 30 minutes each, no video.
Unique homework
after every session for even more personal growth on a constantly updated Google Doc to share
The design of a unique and powerful life goal
with new tangible actions created in every session.
All the email contact you need
Book the programme
Minimum 5 months (payment plan available)