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Together, we'll build a

balanced healthier sustainable fulfilling life for you.

A message from Bianca

As a qualified Life & Wellness Coach I’ll help empower you to build a well balanced, healthier and sustainable life. You’ll regain motivation, energy and learn how to avoid burnout. We address your work-life balance and self care prioritisation and you’ll find fulfilment for a life you’ll truly love. 


I encourage personal growth and mindset changes for a more positive, mindful way of life in a truly transformational experience. By creating a sustainable plan with concrete action steps,  I’m committed to leaving you more energized, resilient and confident in reaching your personal and professional goals. 


You’ll gain plenty of clarity on what’s been getting in the way of attaining your personal and professional goals and you’ll be able to implement new and healthier habits that will not only move you forward in your chosen career but will also improve your health and overall well-being.

“Working with Bianca made me look at myself in a different way and take time to reflect. I’ve already found that I’m being more mindful in general and feel like I’m making much healthier choices. Coaching with Bianca pushed me out of my comfort zone but in a really well-managed way that felt safe and interesting. I’d absolutely recommend Bianca as a coach.”


How Bianca Can Help

You’re struggling with your energy levels, stressed, over- thinking, confused, unmotivated, feel out of control, really want to make changes but just don’t know where to start. 

There’s lots of pieces to your life which aren’t correlating together, these include unrest and high levels of stress. You put too much pressure on yourself, you’re too fixated on work, are sacrificing your health but can’t seem to stop or find a way out. 

What effect is this having on your life or on those around you? What does your future look like if nothing changes?

If you’re ready to address those barriers, control those spiralling thoughts, confront your fears of change, find more balance with your emotions, learn how to put your needs first, then coaching with myself is for you.

It is completely possible to live more mindfully, prioritise your time, understand what gives you energy and thrive in life! 

By working with me you’ll build the evidence you need to understand that by taking time for yourself will also benefit your business. You’ll learn to grow and build better habits into your routine, have more systems in place and learn what feeds your soul and keeps you alive and energetic. 

So if you’re wondering where coaching could go, I’m here to tell you that your life can actually look like how you imagine. Let’s build that vision together, that awareness of what you want from life and learn that work can coexist harmoniously with your well-being. 

So are you ready to take that first step in becoming your best self? Then I’m here with you all the way.

You can learn how to live more mindfully, prioritize your time and energy to maintain and live a healthy balanced life.

We’ll discover what drives you, you’ll manage your struggles better and strengthen your positive inner voice. So are you ready to invest in becoming your best self? I’m with you all the way.

What is Coaching?

Coaching is like working alongside a thinking partner to discover what’s been getting in the way and to then design a new way forward with a powerful vision of your health and overall well-being.

This can involve both outer and inner work which will allow for some powerful and transformational life changes. You’ll be in a space where you can discover any new paths, new passions in life and any new choices you’d like to explore.

You’ll realise what things you’re willing to commit to, what’s truly important to you and what’s been draining you. All of this happens within a creative, supportive, safe space free from judgement.

Quick fixes aren’t sustainable but by creating a plan with action steps, accountability and growth from the journey, you’ll bring more awareness, resilience, healthier habits and confidence to then maximise your personal and professional potential.

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What previous clients have said:

I hoped to get some perspective on the direction I needed to take in my life & my expectations were absolutely met, as coaching with Bianca gave me real clarity on what is important in my life & therefore where my priorities lie. Bianca really helped me navigate through some big life decisions, she really listened to my story & gave me tools that will help me in all life decisions going forward.


My experience with Bianca was so beneficial & insightful. I really appreciated how effective she was at listening to my experiences & needs, she really gets to the core of issues. My perspective has completely shifted since my time with Bianca, most notably the adjustment in seeing the future as a completely uncontrollable variable to something that I have an input in defining how I respond to it. I’d definitely recommend Bianca to all professionals struggling with a work-life imbalance!


Before working with Bianca, I had been working on several aspects of my life which were causing some inner unrest but hadn’t made the progress I desired. And through Bianca’s compassionate listening and skilled questioning we identified a common theme which led to a breakthrough which instantly removed the heavy energy I was carrying. I would happily recommend Bianca’s coaching for anyone who is ready to make a valuable change in their life.


I followed Bianca on social media initially and was really struck by the way she combined approachability with professionalism. So, as a result I made contact with her. I can only say that those initial impressions were correct. By working with Bianca she has raised questions I am now seeking answers too and gently challenged some of my own perceived norms (e.g work-life balance) that I realise I can take forward to empower me. Overall, the experience has been invaluable.


Working with Bianca made me look at myself in a different way and take time to reflect. I’ve already found that I’m being more mindful in general and feel like I’m making much healthier choices. Coaching with Bianca pushed me out of my comfort zone but in a really well-managed way that felt safe and interesting. I’d absolutely recommend Bianca as a coach.


I’m not sure a testimonial can quite do Bianca’s work justice. Over our months together she enabled me to completely transform my life & more importantly how I felt about where I am in the world. She created & held a safe space in which I could explore my emotions & experiences in a proactive way but also with self compassion & kindness. Since working with Bianca I am more confident in my choices & feelings, I’ve learnt to trust myself again & rediscovered my sense of self, this wouldn’t have been possible without Bianca’s guidance. I’m so thankful for our time together & anyone on the fence about working with Bianca should definitely seize the opportunity!
