I'm Bianca
I had a dream job as a photo editor in the UK’s best women’s glossy magazines until I burnt out.
I lived in the buzzy city of London, was quickly climbing the career ladder and drank cocktails at the best parties… I ticked all the boxes and had a glittering life.
But what I couldn’t accept was that I was out of control and physically and emotionally exhausted. I reached for quick fixes and would resist rest. So I just kept pushing and thought I could ignore the health warning signs.

But what was the result?
At 30 my life collapsed around me and I severely burnt out. It was the result of years of blurred work-life balance, high levels of stress, many demands, self-imposed pressure, pushing too hard, people pleasing and destructive behaviour. My mind, body and spirit couldn’t cope anymore.
I had a crisis of confidence and severe ill health; my menstruation stopped, I had severe energy crashes, my hair fell out, I had anxiety and panic attacks, I struggled to sleep well and I was on antibiotics every month. But I couldn’t see a way out.
I frequently asked ‘Am I broken?’ ‘Why is this happening to me? I have a dream life!’ and ‘Everyone else can manage, why can’t I?’
I was overwhelmed and felt like a failure. I desperately wanted a quick fix, but I didn’t have any answers. I finally accepted that I needed to make changes in my life.
So I moved to Spain to focus my limited and precious energy on my well-being; my health became number 1. It was a very slow and expensive journey. But finally, I built a more stable health, mindset and life.
I’m now living in Seville, Spain with my husband and son and I am thankfully helping others through similar situations.
So if this is you, I’m here to tell you that your burnout or crisis isn’t due to you ‘not being good enough’ or that ‘you’re broken’ … but, that you’re in a set of circumstances that aren’t right for you, you don’t have enough support or that some habits/traits of yours aren’t working for you.
The great news is, I’ve seen time and time again with my clients, that you can beat burnout, manage unhealthy stress, step into your confidence and decision-making, feel motivated about life and your purpose and live an energised and joyful life. It’s not just a pipedream.
And hopefully I’ll be with you on this exciting journey.